Aims and Objectives

The Aims and Objectives

Job Assistance

This magazine aims sharing innovative models, case studies and research experiences in the field of innovation and development; facilitating coordination and networking among individual innovators and institutes; thus, inculcating a culture of innovation in the society particularly among the youths.

The basic objectives of the magazine are as follows:

  1. Clarify the concept and meaning of innovation, creativity and invention etc. with examples;
  2. Create awareness about innovations around us;
  3. Develop and nurture the innovative attitude among the people particularly the young generation;
  4. Inculcate a culture of innovation in the society particularly among the youths;
  5. Collect and disseminate the innovative ideas, products, process, etc. taking place in different fields all over the world;
  6. Share innovative models, case studies and research experiences in the field of innovation and development;
  7. Facilitate coordination and networking among individual innovators and institutes.